Sudden and severe thunderstorms are sort of the norm in the Mid-Atlantic region during June and July. Tornado warnings aren't unheard of, but I remember hearing about them maybe once a year, and sometimes not at all. This year, it seems as though every other T-storm has tornado warning associated with it.
With all this crazy wind and rain branches and limbs are coming down all over the place, which gives me a great opportunity to get green wood to experiment with.

Yesterday I got some walnut logs and branches, as well as an elm branch, a dogwood trunk section, and some type of fruitwood.
Then there is the limb that came down in our own backyard. The landlord cut it up, and stacked it against the fence, and there are a few sections that I have my eye on. I've also got some maple being held for me from a downed limb at a friends house.

One of the things I'm looking forward to is trying out different woods than what I have access to at the shop. The other things is turning the green wood, and then letting it distort as it dries.
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